The Cricket

[The] Cricket seems to be a big thing here; there especially seems to be a pretty big rival between Australia and England. Naturally, when friends asked us if we wanted to go to a one day cricket tournament we said YES! Upon arrival, we were given these AMAZING headband / wigs. We made our way […]

Moving (in) Day!

After 2 long months, our personal items have finally cleared Australian customs and have been delivered to our apartment. Very few boxes have been unpacked, but it’s already starting to feel more like home. Already there are things that I wasn’t expecting to see in Australia…you know, things that should have gone to storage or […]

Merry Christmas from Melbourne!

I’ve been having some difficulty getting into the Christmas spirit this year.  I think perhaps because everything is opposite; it’s Christmas, but we’re gearing up for high summer and back to school shopping.  To help get into the spirit, we went on a walking tour in search of Christmas decorations. Alright, this isn’t Christmas, but […]

Can I move my dogs to Australia? (part 2)

I thought I’d catch you up quickly on the state of Astrid and Gizmo’s import to Australia…. After the USDA reopened at the end of October, we were able to proceed with the process: 5. Official Government Veterinarian must complete the Rabies Vaccination and RNAT Declaration: Turns out the girl at the vet’s office was […]